Building Operation Genesis~ II
Posted on 1/30/2011 by Trambapoline
Back to Jurassic Park we go~!
I don't know how many parks I've built over the years, but somehow, despite the rather simplistic building tools at your disposal, I've never built two remotely similar parks. Some a giant free-range Safari-type parks. Some are traditional cagey-ones, and others started off like the above two, then went horribly wrong due to bad timing on Tornadoes, or a rampaging Tyrannosaur...
The park this time around, sadly, got get by two Tornadoes almost directly after one another, causing lord only knows how much destruction to the park. More then I can really afford to repair!
But that's for the next update~ For now, here's what my park looked like before the shitstorm.
First order of business is to build a Ranger Station!
Rangers are pretty much essential for any working park, as they use their helicopter to transport Dinosaurs about, Revive them if they get sick, tranquilize them if they get especially agitated, and rescue any stupid stranded tourists!
This was the main plaza area I ended up constructing. I had to close the park for a while so I could remodel the old into this, but it made people stop bitching about the crowds and long walks to services, so it's all good!
For the next pen I built, I decided to be somewhat craft and turned it into a little free-range area for Dryosaurs and Gallimimus. You have to be rather careful when you introduce these dinosaurs, as they're extremely social creatures. So social, in fact, that they'll actually stave themselves to death if the herd's too big, because they'll want to be friends with everyone.
Awwww ; ;
If you do happen to get the balance right though, the tourists just eat it up!
It was so popular, in fact, that all the facilities started to become very overcrowded, which irked the tourists off somewhat.
So I had to expand the plaza out a touch more!
And to draw them away from the spiffy free-range pen, I decided to introduce the ever-famous Tyrannosaur to the park!
At absolutely no point does this come back to bite me in the arse, I assure you. Nope...
Also, to make sure the tourists can see as many dinosaurs as possible, I built a lovely balloon tour thingy!
One of the neater aspects of it is that you can jump into the balloon's perspective at any point and start taking photos. If you take a really good one, a magazine will pay you a pretty decent sum of money for it.
When it comes to introducing carnivores to the park, the 'personality' system the game has devised really helps bring life to the game. Each dinosaur, regardless of species, seems to be born with its own personality (or quickly develops one after coming out of the Hatchery).
In this case with the Ceratosaurs, the pack leader was an extremely dominate female who seemed to enjoy going overboard with displaying her leadership over the rest of the pack. If anyone killed a goat/cow before she did, she would immediately start attacking them. I went to sedate her and move her to her own separate pen until I could figure out how to solve this little problem, but she sadly ended up killing one of her herd before I could get there...
Don't you get any funny ideas, missy!
When it comes to things like the Tyrannosaur, Spinosaur or Velociraptor, it's imperative to make sure you upkeep maintenance on the fences. Otherwise... well... you all saw the first movie, right?
At least the park's popular~!
When all the bars at the top-right of the screen for a dinosaur are full, it means something rather worrying must be going on in the pen. In this case, I had a poor Acrocanthosaur that was so worried about her environment that she couldn't eat/sleep/drink without having a bit of a panic attack.
So I shipped her off to one of these little pens I have on an island off the coast of the park!
In the end, it turned out that, like the Ceratosaurs, there was an aggressive pack leader. Unlike the Ceratosaurs though, this Acrocanthosaur wasn't killed or anything, but essentially banished to one of the corners of the pen. Where, sadly, there wasn't much food or water. If she ever tried to go near the supplies, the pack leader would come running over again and tell her what for.
After a slight remodeling of the pen (I basically split it into two sections, I returned the Acrocathosaur to her rightful place and things turned out just chipper!
At least my T-Rex is enjoying herself!
A few months of general peace and park building later, a particularly vicious storm hit the island. Normally these aren't too bad, but, in this case, it was followed up by two Tornadoes. Seeing one is generally rare enough as it is!
Unfortunately, this started to stress the dinosaurs out something fierce!
And then... well...
We'll see next time~