Final Fantasy X-2 - Part Fourteen

Posted on 9/19/2011 by Trambapoline

At last! The finale of X-2 has arrived!

It only took me.... seven months to wrap up, but nobody can say that I'm not incredibly lazy dedicated! Huzzah and stuff, I guess! Actually, it was going to fly by me completely, but a few friends pointed it out and went, "Hey! You should do something special for it!" and then I was all, "No." and they were all, "DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT" and then I was totally like, "OKAY FINE GEEZ". Or so the legend says.

Unfortunately, I was all very prepared to waste many an hour writing up a colossal entry (about 980+ images), until Vista decided that working properly is vastly overrated in comparison to acting like a massive asshole, and it deleted about 80% of the images. I got a fair chunk of 'em back, but most are now lost forever to the virtual ether. Bugger.

This left me with two choices:

1) Use what images I did have to piece together the final chapter of X-2.
2) Just not do the entry at all, reducing every single individual on the planet to tears at the sheer loss of it all.

After the antics in Besaid, which is all fine and dandy, I'll have to basically just describe what happens, using images every so often to paint the picture. Not ideal, but ya gotta make the best of a bad situation!

Of course I could have just restarted the game and gotten back up to Chapter 5 again, but considering the requirements for 100% Completion, I would rather go skinny dipping in a Gagazet hot spring full of razor blades and lemon juice before I went through all that stuff again.

And on that charming image, let's dive into the final entry for Final Fantasy X-2!

When we last left Sanchez la Buttrump, she had held a concert to bring about the endtimes tell Spira to Don't Be Hatin' on each other. With that achieved, sort of, she and the rest of the Dullwings began the preparations for Operation We May As Well Take Out Vegnagun Already I Guess. Which, as near as anyone could tell, involved leaping into an impossibly deep hole and hoping the bottom was full of pillows and springtime giggles, as opposed to broken legs and shattered spines.

But before we do anything like that, we have some bitchin' spheres to watch!

So bring out the popcorn and the soda, and let's enjoy the movie magic, shall we?

Maybe they figured out it was the only way to escape the contract for this game?

"I'm instead going to join an organization that'll go on to wage a bloody and pointless war against fellow countrymen, just because they think we should do something different with a bunch of video-projecting spheres. That'll show them what's what!"

This wouldn't be the first time Baralai's had something long, hard and ready to blow pointed at his face.

With that.... whatever out of the way, we now get to the funnest bit of the game!

The Final Run Around and Talk to Everyone and Hope to God That I Didn't Screw Up Getting 100% Completion.


Poor thing must've come out looking like spaghetti, thanks to that get-up of hers.

I mean, no! I'm sure it's common practice in Spira to shamelessly reuse an existing character model, even when it makes no sense uh, I mean... No, wait, I totally meant that.



And by 'on the case' I obviously mean 'off doing something completely goddamn irrelevant'.

But having Yuna take a nap on the Celsius every chapter means that now we get a scene with Brother!

I don't know how the two are connected, and honestly I'd like it to stay that way.

Oh, so Brother has a new crush on someone?

Well, good for him! That incestuous lovin' he wanted to have with Yuna was honestly creeping me the hell out.

What a strange and complete coincidence that the two people Brother would pine for have similar names!

Yes. Yes, clearly this Mish Yoona is nobody we know and isn't a direct relative to Brother in any possible way!

Because that would be incest and that would be majorly mucked up.

Indeed it is. Go forth and cherish this mysterious and unrelated Mish Yoona with all your heart!

. . . .

If Yuna had any semblance of self-worth, she'd stop standing around with a thumb up her backside, stop eavesdropping, walk over to Brother and point out how seriously messed up this whole thing is. But no, since Brother is a living organism, Yuna feels compelled to SPARE HIS FEELINGS BECAUSE HE WOULD BE SAD OTHERWISE AND WE CANNOT LET PEOPLE BE OF THE MANY SADS FOR ANY REASON :(

Oh well, if she and Brother end up in the boondocks 10 years from now with their children running around with six fingers and two heads, she has nobody to blame but herself.

I think I'm starting to understand where all the X-2 erotic Yuna lesbian fanfiction comes from now. It's the only real possible pairing/s in this game that aren't screwed up five ways from Sunday.

And if there is a kind and just god, it'd stay that way,

Oh, I don't like where this is headed...

I... I don't... you can't... I.... but.... but... and the.... with...

Is it?

Is it really?

Two excellent questions.

Yes, please stop.

I don't even know where to begin, frankly.

I'm just gonna... and... go.



Yes, it's a handy skill when having to chat with you.

Well... yeah?

Unless the group got around on Shoopuf-back when you signed up, of course it bloody well has!

Okay, Buddy, if this story ends with you and 'her' in bed doing the ol' machina maw mayhem, I'm just gonna stop you right here.

That brings up an interesting point.

What were these airships used for anyway? I mean FFX's was probably used to move about cargo and people and stuff, but the only possible use I can think of for the Celsius is that it was the ancient Spiran equivalent of a riced up 1970's El Camino with flame decals, neon lights and dubstep blasting through oversized speakers in the back.

I bet Buddy and Brother get all the mad chicks, fo' word.

Emphasis on mad.

So it was an average day for Brother then?

Now there's an interesting euphemism!

A gull you say? Well, I'm sure that had absolutely no impact on you or any future naming decisions you were in charge of.

Now, important question here.

Did the stupid flaming decals appear before or after you found the ship crashed in the ocean?


Uh... Buddy?

Yeah. Me too.

Right. Onto the first conclusion for all the Final Fantasy X-2 areas!

I was going to do this in order, but it seems if you do that, as any remotely sensible person probably would, it turns out there's a glitch where if you wrap up Zanarkand last you don't get a certain cutscene on-board the Celsius, which screws you out of 100% completion.

Even when you try to follow the game's warped sense of so-called logic, it still screws you over!

Yeah! No more nosy tourists peaking around Yuna's special place, and--

... now I really wish I reworded that sentence.

Yeah, stuff those people trying to pay their respects to the dead, or finally visit the city that was considering holy ground to their tick-worshiping religion for over a thousand years. Yuna gets to keep her PRESHUS MAMMARIES MEMORIES NOWZ

Or, if at all possible, be someone likable.

You know, Yuna having a Gollum-like obsession with her PRESHUSNESS would explain an awful lot...

"... and drive everyone who comes here out of business. Tee-hee!"

So people visiting sacred grounds is a big no-no, but letting monkeys have a hot, passionate root on the ruins is A-OK?

Good lord.

Awwwwwwwwwwww yeah!

This is how you know you haven't completely cocked up trying to get 100%. If you get Episode Complete, you're in the clear. But if you get the scummy, peasant-class Episode Concluded, then you're clearly horrible at this game, won't get a stupid cutscene at the end of it all and the game thinks you should just kill yourself.

That may have been slightly exaggerated.

But we're not done with the Sweet, Sweet Monkey Love Ruins yet, m'pretties. We still have to have once last  talk with Maechen and his expositiony ways!

I would like to hear something about Vegnagun that makes sense, yes.

Well that's because the FFX crew clearly hadn't thought of such a terrible idea it was bad and needed to be shunned forever!

At last! Vindication!

Just like Americans.

.... What!?

Why? Just drop it somewhere near Sin, call it a wanker and then leg it.

He wouldn't be a wondering wandering man of exposition for two games if he didn't.

In this game?

Ah, yet another poor soul to write down on the Spiran Carked It list.

Which only narrows it down to everyone on this godforsaken planet.

What a convenient explanation for how it was never brought up in the first game!

Oh, sorry, did I say convenient? I mean't clumsy and awkward.

I get those two confused all the time~ Haha!

"Only a soul like you could understand, as I do, the pain of feeling dead on the inside because of a sequel..."

It was a lady we have never met before, and honestly wasn't that important in the grand scheme of things, but Maechen feels a strange thousand year similarity between her and Yuna, which echoes through time as--Nah, I'm just messin' with ya. Of course it was Lenne.


Don't worry, the burning sensation and swelling tends to go away after a few days.

What is the deep significance of this, you may ask?

Why, absolutely nothing!

No, really. It doesn't mean anything. We may as well forget he even said it.

Man, if I was stuck in a wasteland with Yuna as my only real source of company, I'd be pretty down in the dumps too.

Hey, look! It's the trio that should've been the stars of this game.

No! Don't leave! Take me with you!


Well the mind is usually where memories come from, yes.

If I had my way, you'd be meeting up with him in a few short stabs minutes.

Right. Time to leave the monkeys to their rootin', we've got stuff to do, yo!

Fettuccine's got a rather nice ring to it.

Wakka tries to make ends meet for his new family by whoring Yuna out. Gotta put that bread on the table somehow, y'know?


There is absolutely no way a child that big came out of Lulu, give how re-used thin she is! For goodness sake, she's still wearing a friggin' corset. Either the baby is secretly adopted, and the two did a piss-poor job of hiding Lulu's not!pregnancy, or the baby was so compressed that it came shooting out like a goddamn cannonball.

Man, you'd swear he was a baby or something. Outrageous!

It's a good thing he turned out looking like anything, given his living quarters for the past nine months.

"Accident. Oh, you meant his name? Well, crap, uh..."

It's a bit odd to say aloud, but I like it. Sounds exotic!

And now, for absolutely no reason and even less warning, the game magically expects you to figure out what you have to do next. That 'what' would be 'not go back up to the airship and assume you're done, given there's no further instructions, but to go down to the beach for a lovely little chat'.

Well, of course.

La, la, la-la-laaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!

Yup! Little I-Think-The-Calm-Will-End-Before-Wakka-Makes-Up-His-Mind has a bright future ahead of him!

I know this because we haven't been subjected to another bloody sequel about it.

Okay, but it better involve keeping your pants on, mister.

Pffft, yeah. That's a good one!

Then, suddenly, Yuna mysteriously vanishes from the scene, due to... uh... magic.

Yeah, let's go with that.

Well, that... was a cutscene.

Time to run all the way back again!

Aw, that's okay, Wakka. He left you a present to remember him by!

You should be able to see the smoke and ashes any second now...

Since we're near the end of the game, let's have a little pattern recognition test, shall we?

Okay. What do the contents of this here video sphere contain? Is it:

1) A deeply emotional and tearful look into a character's backstory and past?
2) A equally meaningful examination of previous life on the island?
3) A shocking reveal of some previously unknown, but subtly foreshadowed, plot point?
4) Something completely bloody pointless.

Right. Pens down, all. Let's see!

For those of you who chose 1)? Guess what! You'd think you might be correct, but since the nature of this supposed sphere and Chappu being a lying little sod about it all was actively discussed when we first reached Besaid in Chapter 1, of all places, this sphere falls directly into 4) Completely bloody pointless.

I'd tell you to give yourselves a pat on the back, but I don't want to be deafened by the sound of everyone doing that.

Because your brother's kind of an asshole. We've been over this!

Right, back to even more running!


The fire being what little remained of Besaid, after Beclem's little present.

Oh, is it time for the nightly kidnapping and ritual sacrifice already? Hot dog!

'Vidina' is Al Bhed for 'Future' 

Which sounds all sweet and meaningful, as it signifies that Wakka's gotten over his cultish hatred of those 'sand-blasted grease-monkeys', but it's pretty much like a Japanese person calling their child Kumquat or something. Sounds oh-so exotic in another tongue, but the people who actually speak the language are just going to think it's stupid.

But, in that, I guess there's no greater sign of this child belonging to Wakka.

"Because lord knows I'm capable of it! Haha! I'm gonna give the child a complex, ya?"

I think your poor child has a thing or two to say about the nature of being crammed.

And you were terrible at every single one of those things.

Fatally excessive booze and drugs for all. Hooray!

"Now, we're supposed to throw the baby into the fire to keep it warm, ya?"


Though that is rather sad, when you think about it.

You could also not bother me. I'd be totally okay with that.


Right. So what's next on the list?

Next up on the list of damn it i hate vista so much Fun: This Time With Less Images is good ol' Kilika! Thankfully nobody gives a flying arse about Kilika, so the lack of images here is dandy. Basically, Yuna and Pals arrive in down, where the citizens were so OMG MOVED BY YUNA'S ANGELIC SINGING that they've decided to put their differences aside and become More Accepting and Better People.


Also, Dona and Barthello get back together, which is a massive shock to the system, let me tell you!

Although the fact that they still insist on keeping their relationship like the one they had as Summoner and Guardian is... kinda creepy, really. I'm sure it's meant to be sweet that even though the world has changed, these two can still adore each other as much as they always have, but all I see with my mind's eye is some really terrible and kinky 'Guardian' role-playing sessions late at night.

And I passionately hate my mind for it.

Anyway, let's move on before you dwell on that for too long.

Those Call of Duty releases just sneak up on ya, don't they?

Actually, Blitzball season has finally arrived again in Luca! And by 'finally' I mean 'Nobody cares because it's not mandatory'. Not that it matters, since the Dullwings can't actually play the sport, thus robbing me of the joy of seeing Yuna get thwacked in the skull by a giant underwater ball. Instead, you take on a managerial position, which is about as fun as it sounds. Oh, baby!

But since we don't need to do it for 100% Completion, which is odd but whatever, we can gleefully skip it entirely!

Yeah, given Wakka's track record of... anything, honestly, he'd probably just try and use the poor sprout as a blitzball.

That or eat it.

And because a trip to Luca just wouldn't be complete without yet another reminder of that laughing scene, Yuna has to have a Special Moment regarding her Precious Memories that apparently nobody else on that Pilgrimage was allowed to have. Where's the flashbacks and monologues about Rikku's journey, huh? Though I imagine that would mostly consist of, "Yay! I'm Yunie's guardian! Hee. This is soo kew-OH MY GOD WAS THAT LIGHTNING WHAT THE HELL?!?!"

Also, for no reason (the running theme in this game), Yuna has to run around Luca to trigger these memories, which manifest as a giant floating Moogle.

No, really.

And no, having screenshots wouldn't have it make more sense. It... it just wouldn't.

Next up, the thrilling conclusion to the Mi'ihen Machina Mayhem Mysterious Mystery!

For those of you who weren't keeping track of the events, and I can't possibly imagine why, in every single chapter I've had to do some stupidly specific things to make sure that a one Ms. Rikku Doesnthavealastname gets caught for making the machina go berserk! How? Why, by dropping down and hitting one in the head with her butt back during that stupid Calli/Chocobo Kwest!

And, yes, it pretty much has to be Rikku. If anyone else causes the machina to go bonkers, this somehow distorts the time-space continuum and makes it so Mish Yoona can't get 100% completion because of something that isn't at all related to anything she'd been doing in any way.

Excuse me while I go bite down on my thumb for a while.

So what horrid, yet fitting punishment does Rikku get for this heinous crime!


Hey, maybe she'll find the script for this game while she's down there?

Next up on the Hopefully Didn't Screw Up Tour '11, Mushroom Rock Road!

Which doesn't really have many mushrooms, or mushroom shaped rocks, but details.

She just sang a sappy song, for Christ's sake! The lyrics weren't even related to the conflict you guys were having!

I mean, okay, music's just spiffy and all that, but I don't think it's a proven and determined way to solve issues of global importance. Despite Yuna's disgusting level of Mary Sue Love and Happiness powers being included. It'd be like Bob Dylan holding a concert and having it miraculously solve the Cuban Missile Crisis.

How about I go punch Yaibal in the back of the head. Does that count?

Not that that's going to stop me.

As if in an attempt to make his perpetual whining and ass-kissing up to me, you can actually fight Yaibal in the tournament.

Not gonna lie. I may have taken more gleeful pleasure in that than I'd care to admit.


At the end of the tournament (which is really just Yuna running up Mushroom Rock Road and fighting Youth League members who stand around and stare into space, doing their best Pokemon Trainer impersonation) you have to fight Lucil; who would be a threat with her Silence attacks if any of the girls were using an MP-reliant job.

They aren't, so I won. Woo-hoo, yippee, and all that jazz.

Oh, kiss my arse some other time.

After this, Lucil goes on this massively long and, more importantly, boring spiel about how the Youth League must CHANGE ITS WAYS because THEY'RE NO BETTER THAN SIN RIGHT NOW, what with the running around and stabbing people who aren't themselves. If they do this then THE FUTURE CAN BE A BETTER PLACE FOR CHILDREN and it's all thanks to LADY YUNA!!

I'd say it's more thanks to Lucil, who seems to have her stuff together ever since Nooj left mysteriously, and has kept the group from becoming a bunch of wandering thieves and murderers, but she isn't OMG YUNA so clearly she isn't as important, and will never be mentioned in any of the history books.

I think this is how religions get started.

That's definitely one way of putting it.

Or maybe it's because digging is a bad mini-game and you should feel bad!

Inside, the girls meet some Al Bhed who insist on having them try out 'the Experiment', which is just a boring ol' machina boss, instead of something sexual and disturbing as the name and nature might imply. The gimmick to this boss is that after you fight it once, you can go *sigh* digging for upgrades parts on Bikanel Island and super-charge the Experiment, thus getting you the Episode Complete for Djose.

Only thing of worth is an amusing scene where Paine trolls the crap out of Yuna's lack of Al Bhed knowledge, making her say something along the lines of "You can take this tin can and shove it!" to the poor Al Bhed repairmen.

But since I haven't gone *sigh* digging yet, we'll have to wrap this up a little whiles later. Back on the road!

If I had my way, the concert and all involved would end up screaming and on fire.

No, I don't think I have any emotional instabilities. Why do you ask?


Tobli decides to reward the girls for the Concert of Horrors with a chance to RIIIIIIIDE ZEEEE SHOOOOOOOOOPUF??

Which really isn't a reward, since I could just ask that damn Hypello by the Moonflow to let me do just that anyway, but that lame ol' Shoopuf doesn't have Little Miss Mary Suena frolicking down below in front of cameras, like the attention whore she is. Nor does it have Rikku chillaxing on the roof and Paine looking like she's rightfully five seconds and a brief ping of judgement away from massacring the whole wretched lot of them.

Bitch, don't get my hopes up.

Next up on the Thankfully Rapid-Fire Trek Through Spira is the city of Guadosalam. Full of good memories!

Like remember that time when Seymour manipulated Yuna into marrying him so he could become her Final Aeon when she fought Sin, allowing him to kill her, take over Sin and then destroy the whole world and everyone on it so they wouldn't suffer from a poor sequel any more pain? Ah, good times...

Anyway, Trommel and the rest of the Guado are back in Guadosalami, and they brought those stupid doomed instrument playing... things along with them, since apparently their music was SO SUPER AWESOME that it made the Guado stop being pathetic little whiners and actually do something about their supposedly terrible and sad fate.

However, unlike Yuna's musical ambrosia, I wasn't subjected to the animal's concert. So I guess that's a plus.

I'd say that the Ronso are pretty justified for hating the Guado, since Smugmour did kill all of them, except we know now he totally didn't, since I've seen a metric ton of them gallivanting around Gagazet, and Spira in general, so... what the hell?

What game have you been paying attention to, Yuna?!

Hell, during Chapter 1 and 2 you were talking crap about the Guado to the Ronso. So don't you start, missy!

Oh-ho! I smell phat loot~!


See? Two Ronso we know exist!

Either they're harder to kill than adamantium cockroaches, or Seymour's the worst genocidalist ever.

Oh, I just bet you'd love to climb their 'mountain'.

Onwards to more paranoia!

My entire plan during this chapter was that if it turned out I wasn't going to get 100% completion after everything I've done, I would calmly put down my controller. Calmly walk out of the room. Calmly catch a flight to Japan, and then calmly shove my foot straight up the game director's ass.

And then I'd get angry.

Once more, the lack of images actually saves the day!

All the Macalania scene involved was Yuna walking up to the pond where she and Tidus totally made sweet, sweet lovin' underneath the pyreflies, thus subjecting countless future generations to seeing projections of that moment whenever they enter the area. Yuna then tells Paine and Rikku that she Needs A Moment To Herself, and then she walks back to the two, as shown above.


But we're not through with MACARENA TEMPLE FOREST just yet. We've got to pay a special visit to one other hopefully doomed soul.

If I could get away from O'aka, I'd start running and never stop...

That thar boy be using them logicy words! We don't take kindly to thems in these-here parts, city boi!

It's hard to see, but Rikku and Paine have already started walking away from the three rimrods.

I wish I could do that...


However, before we go, there's one thing that needs to be done.







Moving on, or backwards in this case. There's a Very Special Mission to be done in the Thunder Plains. It seems that Shinra's commsphere device thing that displayed the anime music video wet dream during the concert last chapter has caused fiends to appear and become very, very ticked off at nothing in particular.

At least I can sleep happily, knowing I'm not alone in thinking the concert was rage-inducing.

Despite the gripping and dramatic music that plays during this mission, all you have to do is waltz up to each of the towers, kill the Chimera that are headbutting them for no adequately explored reason, and then kill the Big Boss, Humbaba at the end.

Humbaba is a bit of a dickcheese, what with his casting Meteor and all, but since he's a boss battle in Final Fantasy X-2, he's not difficult enough to be considered especially noteworthy.

Moving on! Again!

We'll be coming back here in a sec' anyway.

That's what this game needs.

In Bevelle, the New Tick Worshippers are more than ready to let bygones be bygones with the Youth League, all because of Hotpants McGee over here. Maroda is there too, sulking over how everyone loves Isaaru, which is the first time in this game that someone's been praised that isn't Yuna! Anyway, that's about the meat of it. Aren't you glad that the game takes its time to wrap up ties with every single extraneous NPC on the planet before the it ends? I know I am!

And then there's a nice little bit of Yuna-bashing. Why doesn't every location have this?

Unfortunately for my well-being, Yuna doesn't get the hint and is all "OMG WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT TELL MEEEEEEEE" all the way to the fadeout. Sigh.

Inside the New Yevon HQ --which consists of old people (ie: people over 18) walking back and forth, accomplishing nothing of significant value-- we find Pacce and his group of mini-wankers as they discover a portal to Hell. Oh, you crazy kids and your ritualistic goat sacrifices~!

Unfortunately, it actually leads somewhere far worse than Hell.

No, not Brother's secret Yuna shrine. Good guess, though. Creep.

Welcome to the Via Infinito, ladies and gentlemen!

Or, as its better known, Oh Dear God Why Won't You Just Sodding End Already: The Dungeon!

The Via Infinito, for those of your lucky enough to not know of its existence, is a dungeon that consists of one hundred randomly chosen floors, with a boss battle at every twenty or so. While being about as much of a rip-snorter as it sounds, any accessories you have that block Random Encounters won't work here, so you'll have to go through every single damned battle on your way down the many, many, many, many levels.

Also, several floors have mobs (King Tonberry and Elder Drakes being the most popular) that will hit a non-high level party for 10,000+ HP. In case you haven't been keeping track, that's for... oh, four times as much health as any of the girls currently have. So, yeah, be prepared to reload your save after being insta-killed. A lot.

To make a blinding statement of the obvious, Yuna and her Lesbian Cohorts aren't nearly as prepared for this as I'd like, so it's time to make like a tree and get out of here.

Back to the Thunder Plains for an event I didn't do the first time around because... uh... Yup!

Random Al Bhed Guy says that since we defeated the oh-so strong Humbaba, a cave has appeared nearby.

Now there's a phrase I bet Yuna's used to hearing.

Why is that all the new locations in FFX-2 are giant, bland corridors with no discernible features? Why, one might get the slight impression that the game designers weren't putting their full effort and attention into this project, which we all know is completely not true!

Snide aside, hee, the objective here is like any other X-2 dungeon: Run to the giant red arrow, and try not to get lost.

I managed to accomplish one of those things, at least.

Hi :D

Given the pose he's in, I'm starting to wonder that myself...

Cid's attempt to explain to Rikku where babies come from did not go over well.

But who needs that when we have a random and out-of-place boss battle!

The gimmick to this fight is that the little satellite thingys block any and all attacks that have been used against them in the past. So, if you've used everything... then, uh, have fun with that. One trick is to just throw L-Bomb items until they all go to that big machina machine faction in the sky. Once the little ones dealt with, the big penis-cannon machina goes down faster than Shion at the Vector Christmas party.

So far so good!

Which just makes the possibility of failure even more irritating and paranoia-inducing. I love this game sometimes.

Our seventh and final trek through Spira is nearly at an end.

I'm sure this is meant to be a very wistful look back on everything, but all I can think about is if I screwed anything up during the previous 4 Chapters and how it'll come back to bite me in the arse. Such is life when you're going for 100% completion.

In a remarkable change of pace, we find that Garik and Kimahri are having leadership problems on Gagazet.

Troubling! Not at all overused or trite at this point.

Maybe Kimahri should consider wearing pants then?

Well, as long as someone did.

That's because the mountain can't talk. We've been over this, man!

Oh, just shut up and kiss him already. It's obvious there's some unresolved tension here.

I'd go to the Internet for proof of that, but I'd prefer not having to bleach my brain, thanks.


Unsurprisingly, this sets of Yuna's Moral Authority alarms something fierce.

What is surprising however is that she manages to keep it to herself for once.

Yup. This whole mess could've been solved hours ago by Garik realizing that acting like a giant douchewaffle is not the best course of action. Also, seriously, why didn't Seymour kill these guys? Garik doesn't seem like the type to hide behind the rocks cowering. I think Seymour was being a big lying butthole about the whole thing!

Or, far more likely, the game designers never paid one iota of attention to the previous title.

I like how Kimahri had to get in at least one "I'm the leader, bitch!" gloat.

Afterwards, everyone celebrates the moral victory as Kimahri makes this big, important speech about how they must stop looking and dwelling on the past so much, and just get over it in order to embrace the Future and all that typical Let's Not Be Assholes speech malarkey that happens in these games.

While the speech is rambling on, Paine feels the need to poke fun at Yuna, since Yuna's spent this entire game going on about her PRESHUS Memories and boring the hell out of us all in the process. Paine's kind of awesome like that.

"Death to the infidels!"


I swear if I see the word 'Concluded' appear at any point I'm going to sepukku the hell out of myself.

It's time to see if all that off-screen running around Spira and talking to everyone who breaths --or doesn't, given the epidemic of unsent on this planet-- during every chapter has paid off!

God, let it have paid off...



As a reward for the countless hours spent trailblazing up and down Spira more times than I'd willing admit without consuming alcohol, Yuna and Co. can now play mini-games! The exact same mini-games they've had the option to skip entirely, because they're terrible, since Chapter 1.

Oh, tedious mini-games, how fun!

Oh, look, a fork! I think I might stab myself in the neck with it.

Speaking of neck-stabbings, we've only got three more major Chapter events left in X-2. Unfortunately, they need a stupidly high level party in order to reliably tackle, so I'm just going to be here for the next dozen or so hours grinding up levels and abilities mindlessly. Don't mind me.

No, really, I'm not nearly as insane from the seething, blinding monotony as I thought I'd be.

But I'm... not.. on a Chocobo?

Right, back to GRINDAN.

If it weren't for a certain mission that's going to come up soon, I'd be complaining an awful lot more about this.

Back to the Via Infinito of Infinito...ness.

Like most of X-2's areas, as mentioned, the Infinito is pretty darn bland. The dungeon only really starts to get more interesting when hugemongous mobs appear from Floor 50 onwards. Not nearly as tough as they look, but, well, that's another X-2 thing I've mentioned a million times before. So let's just move on, shall we?

The first boss worth mentioning is Concherer. If only for his stupefyingly high 350,000 HP.

He can only kill one of the girls at a time, which, oh will he ever. However, because of that, it means the other two girls can wail on him constantly and he honestly isn't as tough as his size or reused model of a tough FFX optional boss would have you believe.

Or, if you really want to, you can just use Lady Luck's Bribe ability and make him go away forever.

But before we press further on, you may be asking yourself, "What's the deal with this stupid place for jerks anyway? Who is in charge here?" Well, good thing Encyclopedia!Paine is here to solve all our queries. Paine?

Bless you.

But that's enough plot, according to the game, for now. We have even more levels of fun to go through.


Oh, goody gumdrops, another 20 floors ahead of me of seeing just this!

I think my sarcasm glands have gone into cardiac arrest by this point.

Worth pointing out (sort of) is that before each boss battle, the fiends take the appearance of a certain character from Final Fantasy X. Floor 20's boss took the appearance of Maester Kinoc, who you may not remember even existed at all. Floor 40 had you battling Jyscal Guado, who was the father of everyone's favourite failure of a genocidalist, and has an amazingly original surname to boot. Floor 60 had Concherer, who was Maester Mika, the old fart who kept insisting that Yu Yevon was just the bee's knees.

And at floor 80, we have Chac; a completely unremarkable boss whose only thing of note is that s/he has the form of Lady Yunalesca (seen above, all tiiiiiiiny-like) before the fight. I have no idea if this actually is Yunalesca or if it's just Chac doing a rather remarkable cosplay, because it's not like the game ever bothers to explain any of it in any way.

Long story less long, Chac is a weenie and is killed within 5-turns. Go me, or something.

Compared to what I have to do next, I would prefer to stay down in the Via Infinito forever, Rikku.


Despite the game saying that the Chapter is complete, we've gone one more soul sucking escapade to play out here.

If you can cast your mind all the way back to Chapter 2, you may remember that Clasko, everyone's favourite Chocophile, set up a breeding ranch down where the old Monster Arena was. Unfortunately, since Clasko has proven to be incapable of doing anything at all in any possible way by himself, it's up to Lady Yuna and, more importantly, the irritated 24 year old controlling her, to hunt down Chocobos and send them on their way to the Lovin' Shack.

But of course it couldn't be as easy as that. Afterall, this is Final Fantasy X-2; a game that clearly hates everyone single individual that plays it. When you hunt down and capture a Chocobo, it's given a Maximum Level potential ranking and a personality. You see where I'm going with this, right? In order to get the Episode Complete for this place, you need to find a dungeon that contains an Amazing Chocobo, but the only way to find it is to catch four Bold-natured Chocobos that have a Maximum Level Potential of 5. Which means you have to fight/capture a crapload of them in Kilika or the Thunder Plains or wherever, fly to the Calm Lands, run across to Clasko, speak to all the Chocobos and then release 99% of them when it inevitably turns out they've got the wrong nature or level potential. Then the whole cycle of misery repeats itself.

Oh, but it doesn't end there. Once you've got four of the damned things, you have to send them out to the Calm Lands to search. Can't be anywhere else, and the game gives you absolutely no indication that searching here will uncover anything. Anyway, you need to make around 4-6 search trips before you uncover the dungeon, but the catch is that there's a chance that one of the Chocobos will run away from Clasko and his perverted bird loving. While good for the bird and all, it means I have to reset the game and try again. Many, many, many, many many times.

Also, the only way to make time pass between sending the birds on their way and having them return is to fight around seven random encounters. You know, because the whole process wasn't nearly as tedious and annoying at this point as it could be.

There is no way anyone on this planet uncovered this without the use of a strategy guide. I refuse to believe it.

Thankfully, there is a silver lining...

I'm not sure what's worse; the fact that Yuna and Clasko are head-smashingly dense towards Paine's mocking of them, or that the game designers are actually aware of this on some level. 

Now if only we knew anyone with actual talent. Alas.

Since we're well on our way to wrapping things up, what's one or two home movies thrown into the mix?

Don't everyone scream "Pointless!" at once. You might deafen yourselves.

Either that or they had to play this game.

I'd explain the events of the Den of Woe, but if you honestly haven't picked up on it from the previous entries, then, well, the game will hammer it into your skull one final time in the near future. Moving on!

There's also a scene where Nooj shoots everyone in the back/face.

If only the Gullwings were around for that...

"... and thus explain why I never appeared in the first game! Remarkable!"

To give you the gist, because god is it dull; 'The Event' happens in the Den or Woe, and Nooj is obviously not himself (WHATEVER COULD IT MEAN??) when he, Paine, Baralai and Gippal escape. He then shoots them all, some time passes, Baralai plots something or other with Seymour just before Tidus and Co. hit Guadosalam for the first time and the whole thing just doesn't make much sense. Which I'd be upset about, but holy figs I honestly don't care.

Anyway, that's all the Crimson Spheres in the game uncovered.

I'd pat myself on the back for that, but I'm still holding a knife.

What's that? Something half-way interesting is happening!?

What's the catch?

Good to see Nhadala isn't above making a pun during a crisis.

This elicits an amusing response from the rest of the DURRnamic Trio.

Paine: "I was wrong. She doesn’t get dragged into trouble."
Rikku: "She jumps in headfirst."

There's been quite a lot of Yuna mocking this chapter, which don't get me wrong, I'm all for, but it seems as if the game designers knew that nobody would be able to handle all this crap without some snide remarks about the idiot who's constantly dragging them into it all.

Oh, great. This again.

Though trust this game to have a great savior with the word 'boob' in their name.

To summon the Great Gazoo Haboob, we have to finish hunting down the rest of the 10 Gatekeepers that were blurbed about way back in Chapter 3. It's still as adorable now as it was back then.


And in the first honest twist this game's ever had, I actually manage to win one of the games. Holy crap!

... Okay, I so don't want to know what this Cactuar is doing in Dona's house, after that Hypello incident.

Poor little dear's probably scarred for life.

After running around Spira like an idiot for the better part of an hour, it's almost time to summon the Great Gatsby Haboob. We just need to find one more Cactuar, who's hiding right on Bikanel Island.

Makes you wonder why they need Yuna to find the little twerp. Although, if they didn't then Yuna would have to realize that the entire cosmos doesn't revolve around her buttcrack and she'd slip into some horribly suicidal and unrecoverable depression or something.

Unfortunately, most of the Cactuar decide to be assholes and lay traps for Yuna.

On one hand, I didn't come this friggin' far in the game just to fail and die a few sweet, sweet percentage points away from the finale. On the other hand, they are trying to kill Yuna, which I have to give them props for.

"You interrupted my banana for THIS!?"

This rare sign of compassion (!) on behalf of the game designers is our big clue that some Serious Shit is About To Go Down.

Namely, the appearance of one of the two Big Bad Optional Bosses for this game.

Who are only technically optional, since you need to kill them to complete the chapter's mission, but whatever.

Yuna and the Galwings have been doing some serious GRINDAN, and are up for the challenge!


A Level 60-something party wouldn't have too much trouble against our friendly boss, Mr. Angra Mainyu, but if it's worth killing, it's worth overkilling. Or, to be more precise, I was grinding for the other optional boss and completely forgot about this prick until I was 30 levels over the fact. Whoopsie!

Anyway, since Angra Mainyu consists of three... uh... people(?) --the central part and two flimsy, 5000 HP appendages on the sides-- the best strategy for this fight, and most fights, is to have two of the girls be Dark Knights and spam Darkness, while an Alchemist (or a White Mage, if you received a lobotomy and never leveled up Alchemist) sits there with a thumb up their butt and uses Mega Potions every so often, after initially putting Protect and Shell on the party with items.

After you've set this oh-so intricate battle stratagem up, just tie down the X button and walk away for half an hour. The worst thing Angry Mainyu will do is occasionally use an attack when the two appendages are up and kicking (which is never, thanks to Darkness) that does about 2000-3000 HP damage to the party. Thanks to Mega Potions, this can be healed instantly and thus any semblance of challenge outside of enduring tedium goes flying out the window.


I'd make some cutting remark about Angra Mainyu, but I honestly don't even know what the bastard was doing here anyway.

Which puts him in line with every other Final Fantasy optional superboss, really.

Part of me dies on the inside whenever someone says that...

On the plus side, at least they don't have to do any stupid digging ever again!

And people say I can't be positive.

Mmmm-mmmm! Cadavers!

Wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry.

I was over there enduring a battle to the death and you were kicking back here all the while cooking corpsicle smores!?

So's feeling pain when you have to endure yet another wretched mini-game next.

Wretched mini-games are proof that the game designs loathe our very existence on this mortal coil.

I do enjoy a good petty insult or dozen, yes.

Right, so time to go *sigh* digging. I'm not sure if I explained it earlier on or not, but heck, if I have to torture myself going through this rubbish then you're going to listen to the darn explanation yet again! When you speak to Mr. Pilot over here, you get a choice of various areas to go *sigh* digging in. Not that there's any actual digging what-so-ever involved. Really, you just run around an insignificantly small pile of sand until you find a yellow X on the mini-map, which will give you an Experiment Upgrade Part.

Upgrade Parts come in three quality levels. A, S and Z. Each one has a 'number' assigned to it, and once that 'number' passes a certain level (the number is invisible, by the way), the Experiment goes up in Level. Basically, knowing if you have the right level for the experiment or not is a crapshoot, unless you're a boring accountant who keeps track of every single minute number that ever exists in this game. In which case, god so I pity you.

Despite an hour and a half of running around the desert like a pillock, I'm just barely half-way to completing the Experiment.

So, back to the desert then...


Back in the desert, Yuna and her Butt-Buddies discover Benzo and the growing of a new Marnela.

Apparently Marnela gave her life to defend the Cactuar Nation, but I was too busy thinking everyone was completely off their gourd for listening to someone interpret for a frackin' plant to notice. Hindsight, huh?

. . . .

You're completely batshit. I'm out of here.

What you do with your edible condom is your own business, buddy.

After three and a half hours of digging, you'd expect the Experiment to be the biggest, baddest mofo that ever strutted around this side of Compton, right? Well, boy howdy, are you guys in for a disappointment then! While the machina has been overclocked quite a bit, to the point where it goes berserk and attempts to kill the Al Bhed who created it, the stupid thing still only has 16,000 HP.

And 16,000 HP minus two 9,999 Darkness attacks is equal to somewhere around dead.

Wow. How totally worth it! Not at all gnashing my teeth and trying to punch the monitor right now.

Um, didn't Paine speak Al Bhed last chapter? Seems a bit late to bring that up, but I'm just surprised someone on this crew actually decided to ask someone about something. Truly this is a ground-breaking piece of progress!

As opposed to Yuna, who didn't learn another language and the only thing she broadened was her legs.

Understatement of the century, right here.

Paine. My hero.


Okay, that made the digging totally worth it.

At the rate we're going, the game's going to end with Yuna getting decked right in the face. Awesome!

Once you get a Chapter Complete in every area, you're 'treated' to a special cutscene on-board the Celsius.



Okay, if this ends in some sort of messed-up Furry loving orgy, I'm going to seriously scream, throw my monitor out the window and then magnet the hard-drive before tossing it out as well. On fire.

Just for reference, Rikku is the Cait Sith-thing, Yuna is the Moogle-thing and Paine is the Tonberry-thing.

Paine gets the costume that's associated with a mob that violently stabs annoying party members. I approve.

I'm sure there's a vibrator somewhere on the ship, Rikku.

Before we go and dive into the asshole of the planet to wrap this game up finally, we have one more task to do!

If you can yet again cast your minds back that far, you may remember Noojiroth speaking to the girls about needing all the Crimson Spheres in order to unlock the needlessly convoluted door that's sealing off the Den of Woe. Well, we have all the spheres now, and I'm certainly not watching them ever again, so into the door they go!

If you have drama-blocking riot shields, now would be as good a time as any to equip them.

"Hey, d... did you like the way I finished your sentence in a way that made it seem increasingly ominous? I've been sitting here for two goddamn years waiting for that moment! Oh, what a thrill!"

Looky-thar, Shuyin references Tidus' catch-phrase and addresses Yuna, once again, as Lenne.

Again, with absolutely no significance. Seriously. It's apparently just a giant coincidence that this happens.

Or sloppy writing. Same thing here, really.

Lenne probably knew how to properly hold a pistol, for one.

Suddenly! MYSTERIOUSLY, Rikku gets an EVIL look on her face. Almost as if someone was CONTROLLING HER.

No! What could this meeeeeeeean?!?


Doesn't explain why this only happens in the Den of Woe, which is nowhere near Bevelle or Zanarkand, however.

"Damn it! Now I'll never get to eat that new garlic prawn pizza. I feel like... I could... I could.... KILL for one!"

They played this game too, huh?

And that's why you don't go for 100% Completion, kids.

Hell, just look at me.

"... and believe it or not, some say that I'm not a romantic at heart!"


And so begins a series of very piddly fights. Please try to contain your surprise, if at all possible.

The first one was Possessed!Rikku, and Possessed!Paine, followed by Baralai, Gippal and then Nooj. I don't know if they were the real B.G.N or not, because they're meant to be in the Farplane right now (alive that is, they didn't die, see, since... oh forget it) but that's never stopped this game from not even attempting to make sense before.

It's very determined like that.

With the battle done, and on that note, we finally wrap up the whole sordid ordeal with Shuyin and Paine/Gippal/Nooj/Baralai in the Den of Woe. That sure was.. uh.. fulfilling? No.. Happy? No... Somber? No... Gassy?

That sure was hoopy, wasn't it, guys?

Right, one more spot of GRINDAN to do before we can END THIS GAME ALREADY.

I mean, I like the game and all, but Jesus.

Eh, good enough.


Don't tell me what to do, Bossy and Inexplicably Personalized Computer Who May or May Not Be Buddy!

Or Bipcwmmnbb for short.

20 floors of soul-shattering exploration and random battles later, we find ourselves at the end of this god-forsaken dungeon.


For the unfamiliar, this is Lord Zaon. Better remembered as Yunalesca's bird.

I don't know why you wouldn't remember him, though. His four seconds of screen time was essential to Final Fantasy X.

But because fighting Lord Zaon would actually be interesting in some way, he of course has to transform into a reskinned version of Omega Weapon from FFX. Which might've been a touch more impressive if Omega Weapon wasn't literally a random encounter enemy for the past ten levels of the Via Infinito.

Bravo, game designers.

Once Zaon (aka: Paragon, aka: The Stupid Boss For People Who Smell and Are Ugly) is defeated, this totally random and not at all ever mentioned previously old man just appears and makes Zaon go bye-bye. Man, I bet he's going to be super friendly and on our side! We'll be megapals!

Gasp! It's Reskinned Bizarro!Mika.

I mean Trema.

I mean who honestly cares, let's just fight already, you old codger.

A wonderful question that could be asked of every single statement in this game.

"I wanted to call it a GARDEN, but some asshole named NORG said he had that trademarked. BUJURURU!!"

So did everyone who lived to witness X-2, Trema. You're not exactly a unique little snowflake right now.

It's also the source of power for Nintendo.

That's right! I went there, and none of you can stop me!

Well, I certainly didn't spend the last ten hours of my life, that I'll never get back, GRINDAN just so we could sit down and discuss our problems over tea cozies and vanilla incense. Let us do great battle!

Of course, by Great Battle I mean Boring and Drawn-out Battle zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. For, Trema, as much of the badass omgwtf superboss he's meant to embody, is a complete and total pansy once you take away his MP, which honestly isn't even that hard. Just have someone use a Soul Spring on him and then WHAM, he can no longer use 90% of his attacks. He's now left with either pathetically flailing his wrists at one of the girls, doing about 200 HP tops, or casting Meteor/Ultima at 50% and 25% health, which does about as little damage.

And no, I don't know how he manages to do that when he's meant to have no MP. Just... go with it. It hurts less that way.

With 999,999 HP, Trema takes about as long to die as a glacier takes to move across several exceptionally wide and belligerent continents, so I hope you have a movie to watch. Or several.

On the plus side, when you do eventually send Trema to that great Yevon HQ in the sky, he drops the Iron Duke accessory, which gives you: +100% HP, +100% MP, +100 in every single stat, except maybe Luck. So it's pretty Dukelicious.

What? There's no use for it anymore, since you've just killed all the potential threats in the game? What a Duketastrophe!

Sure, if you ignore the fact that Yuna's entire journey has been entirely about her past and her PRESHUS MEMORIES!!

Shut up, Trema. Go take you and your underdeveloped and confusing backstory to the Farplane already!

Speaking of, actually...

You shut up, too!

We're, at last, thoroughly done trapezing around Spira like a bunch of determined yet directionless mongoloids! And, more importantly, I didn't cock up any of the Chapters, so we're all set to kick the final story section up the arse and end this game already! Hells yeah!

Brother frequently has to motivate his penis before commencing any romantic conquests.

I know I'm moved. Very slowly and cautiously backwards.

Yeah, I agree with Chesty LaRue over here. Let's just finish this already.

If Yuna, Rikku and Paine are Y.R.P, would that make Brother, Shinra and Buddy B.S.B?

Now, you may find yourself asking, "Wait... what? How the hell did we end up in what looks like the decaying carcass of Sin a whale?" Which I would reply is a damned good question. You see, the game never actually explains how Yuna got to where she currently is after the scene on the Celsius. You just see the cutscene, pick a Cloister Hole to jump down and then... uh.. you're here.

Which doesn't make a lick of sense, seeing as how Yuna didn't have to traverse through this colon in order to reach the Farplane the last time she fell down a hole, but pfft consistency, who needs that?

And, again with no warning, we're now fighting Dark Shiva.

Okay then!

My sanity greatly appreciates that nobody suffers a fatal brain fart this time around and screams "AN AEON??!?!"

Goodbye, Dark Shiva.

I will always never remember you as a sudden and completely unwarranted boss battle in a shameless sequel.


And now we have Fayth!Bahamut.

Despite the nature of the screenshots this entry, there actually weren't any missing between the Anima boss fight and the little tyke's appearance. He's just all "'sup?" I do love it when a game just gives up on trying to tell a coherent narrative.

Also, crazy query, don't mind me or anything, but YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SENT! WHAT THE HELL!?

Which is weird, considering you're not meant to exist anymore. Yuna did the Sending on you guys, remember?

Am I the only one who remembers that?

Seriously, I want an explanation and I want it now.



Okay, out of desperation for an explanation on why the Fayth (and, by extension, the Aeons) are back in FFX-2, despite the fact that Yuna sent their arses to the Farplane, so they technically shouldn't exist anymore (or at least shouldn't have their powers) I went and checked the Wiki, which had this to say:

"In Final Fantasy X-2 it is revealed that the fayth, who had sacrificed themselves to help Yuna defeat Yu Yevon, had become enslaved by Shuyin's darkness. Yuna and her friends manage to free the fayth from his influence by defeating him. During her journey to the Farplane Yuna meets Bahamut's fayth who tells Yuna about Shuyin and how the fayth tried to stop him but were unable to."

When even the Wiki can't offer an explanation for what the hell, you know your story has some serious issues.

As if the game hadn't already made that obvious countless times already.

You can't even handle putting pants on in the morning, much less a shadow.


And now we're here.

I... just don't care anymore how this works. I want it all to go away already.

Well, sorry, Bitchpants, but those Episodes aren't going to Complete themselves!

Out of everything that's happened during the Chapter this is the one thing you question?! She bloody told you she was going to be down here at the end of Chapter 4, you dimwit!





Okay. I think I just broke my brain.

Deep breaths...

Deep breaths...

And they say you can't teach an old bitch new tricks.

Keep it to yourself there, hot-shot.

And now, for no discernible reason, once you've reached the Farplane you have to immediately teleport back up to the Celsius for some more percentage-nabbin' cutscenes. I don't know why they didn't make these available before you dove into the planet's sphincter, but apparently I also know nothing of game design or proper pacing, so I'll shut up.

The final cutscene with Shinra is all about how he feels he can extract energy from the Farplane to use in reactors that could in theory power a colossal machina city. One that "never sleeps." But since this is Final Fantasy X-2, we couldn't just leave a cutesy reference there, could we? Oh no, we have to go the extra mile in terms of head-smashing stupidity. Behold!

"In interviews published in the Final Fantasy X Ultimania Î© and Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania guidebooks, scenario writer Kazushige Nojima and producer Yoshinori Kitase revealed that Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X-2 share a plot-related connection, in which the Shin-ra corporation in Final Fantasy VII is founded on another planet after about one thousand years, after space travel became possible, by descendants of Shinra of the Gullwings in Final Fantasy X-2. This connection was conceived of only after Final Fantasy X was already finished and realized in Final Fantasy X-2 riding on the success of the original game. Thus, this plot element is not reflected in the gameplay or storylines of Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy X."

I'll just leave that there for you to digest.

. . . WHAT.

The final (YAY) cutscene with Brother and Cid basically involves the two of them squabbling like idiots, while Rikku makes snide remarks about her creatively named brother in the background. I can't remember why exactly Brother and Cid started fighting, but I can only assume it was because Cid found out his son was a big, incestuous pervert.

I'm sure Calli's swooning as we speak.

The final final cutscene before we move finally onto the finale for Final Fantasy X-2 involves everyone's favorite Al Bhed!

No. Not Rin. The hell's wrong with you?

Rikku tries to reassure Yuna that puberty is a perfectly normal thing for a person to experience.

Or, to be less of a smartass, Rikku sits around and has a little mope about how Yuna and Paine got all the character developer for this game. Yuna then reassures her cousin by saying that the next story will be hers. I have no idea if this cutscene was meant to set up a Final Fantasy X-3, but we never got it, so it doesn't matter!

Though I would play a game about Rikku a million times if it meant I didn't have to put up with MISH YOONA hogging the spotlight every twelve bloody nanoseconds. I like Rikku, for one.

Anyway, say goodbye to the Celsius, kiddies. Back in the hole we go!

LATER! Back in the planet's colon, the trio quickly discover Gippal lying around, injured.

As for what exactly injured him or how we moved from a flower field to here... uh... LOOK OVER THERE!

Yeah, I mean it's not like we're here to do anything important.

We'll just sit around, cook marshmallows and watch home movies until the end of days. Oh, it'll be ever so much fun!

It's a sphere, Yuna, not Paine's final will and testament. Cripes.

Oh, look. It's a sphere of Paine, Gippal, Nooj and Baralai making jokey-jokes about owning an airship.

Yes. Paine couldn't possibly fight without watching this, Yuna. Thanks a million.


Okay, if we're planning on making Captain jokes all the way to the final battle, I'm just going to park our areses right here and let Vegnagun blow up the whole damned planet. He'd be doing me a favour.

Right. Every single Episode has been Completed. Every Sphere Watched. Every cutscene experienced.

Level 99. All Accessories. All dress-spheres leveled to maximum. I am done.

Let's do this.


"Holy crap, what took you wenches so long? Do you know I don't get paid overtime for any of this!?"


After a few literal hop, skip and jumps, we encounter Nooj; who has clearly spent all this time waiting for Y.R.P to finally show up devising the perfect plan to end all perfect plans.


And then Yuna says the seven greatest words that have ever come out of her mouth.

"I don't like your plan. It sucks."

When Yuna of all people is calling your plan retarded, that's a pretty good sign you should go sit in the corner.

I mean, damn.

Apparently not, since they've had no problem coming back to attack you with no warning throughout this game.

"In retrospect, giving my life away to temporarily defeat Sin may have been in everyone's best interests..."

Yuna? Gullible? Oh, how delightfully absurd!

"Now for the love of god, don't go parading around in hot pants and start singing, or we'll be so mad I'm not kidding."

You know, as much of a completely legitimate and intelligent (!) point Yuna is making here about how stupid Nooj is, it's really coming across less like she's trying to prove her point, and more like her typical "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME MY MEMORIES ARE INSIDE ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!"

Though being subjected to 52+ hours of that might have warped my viewpoint slightly.

Or a lot.

Just like me when I said I was going to do a 100% playthrough of this game.

Neither do I, so can we please get a move on?

Abso-whaty.... what?

Incidentally, why does Gippal's eyepatch just... stop when it reaches his hair? Maybe he super-glued it there? Or its the result of a freak hair-gel hardening accident, which nobody likes to discuss because the horror would send a lesser man insane?

What? I'm totally paying attention to the story. Yeah! Go Galbadia, or whoever it is we're fighting. Woo!

An explanation? In my Final Fantasy X-2?

Sure, man! What's the plan?

Well, duh.

Stop interrupting the man, Rikku. What's Vegnagun's weak point?

What? Seriously? "Because people built it"?



"I have to go potty!"

Who? Me?


.... We're all going to die, aren't we?

Uh, didn't Fayth!Bahamut just a few cutscenes ago say that Shuyin isn't Shuyin anymore? It's just an apparition that feeds on DARKNESS, and that the real Shuyin died a long time ago? I don't think telling it all about how Lenne LURVES him is really going to solve anything anymore.

Then again, apparently Shuyin needs to possess people to bring about his form and presence, yet he had absolutely no problem appearing on his own in the Den of Woe. Also, he can somehow be in the Den of Woe and the Farplane, controlling Vegnagun, at the exact same time.

But there I go, expecting sense and continuity from this game. When will I learn?

Vegnagun puts on his best Rape Face as we begin the final assault!

I'm using the word final a lot, aren't I? My hope is that if I keep uttering it, it'll one day turn out to be true.

I have no idea what I'm looking at, but it sure seems evil!

"Oh! Oh, are we finally ready? Okay.... Ahem. RAGHAGRGH and stuff!"

Hey, it's the best character from the last game! Is this time for some seriously kick-ass, multi-party fighting!?

No. No, not at all. That would be cool in some way, and we can't have that.

Auron, Jecht and Braska just appear as voices, essentially acting as Yuna's cheerleaders through the fights. Blah blah, friendship, blah blah, trust yourself and your friends, blah blah, believe in the heart of the cards, blah frickity blah.

Don't get me wrong, I'll take any Auron and Jecht I can get, but c'mon, seriously? This is just lame.

See what I mean?

Although I do enjoy Rikku's "GET THESE DAMN VOICES OUT OF MY HEAD!!" pose.

"Getting ourselves killed on multiple fronts is the most efficient strategy!!"

Of course, while the idea of having everyone split up and attack Vegnagun from multiple positions is a pretty good idea, every team that doesn't have Yuna on it is, naturally, destined to fail miserably and I have to run around to do all the fighting for them.

Why are they even down here? They had the sheer gall to not be born as Yuna, so why do they bother?

I would love to say that Vegnagun is a challenging and epic finale to this game after all the disappointing and worthless bosses I've had to sadly show to you fine people, but he's a piece of piss to a Level 30 party, much less a Level 99 one. So... yeah. Sorry, guys.

I don't think Vegnagun even got one attack off before the Warrior!Gullwings ripped it a new arse.

"Noooo! Being hit with sharp instruments! My one weakness! Oh, what a woooooooooooooooorld!!"

"Oh, man! I'm so bad at this! You know, I always wanted to be a chiropractor, but nooooo, mumsy insisted that no self-respecting machina of global devastation would even have a spine to take care of. I apologize, it's just... it's good to share sometimes, isn't it? Now, I was about to destroy all life on the planet wasn't I? YES, MOTHER! I'M GETTING TO THAT!"

Yuna bravely encourages the party to press onwards, just in case they felt the urge to piss off and play some Sphere Break or something.


"No, I'm not compensating for anything! Why does everyone say that? It's perfectly healthy for a young, vibrant death machine to have a penis-cannon growing out of his lower mouth an-YES MOTHER! I'M DESTROYING THE PLANET NOW!"


Better out the front than out the back, I suppose.

And so we come to the final final form of the supposedly final boss finally in Final Fantasy X-2 and I've done this joke before and for the love of crap can I just end this game already?!



If I.... and then wait... he'll will.... eventually, and....



'cuse me a second, will you?








... I think I need a cigarette.

Oh, fine. You don't let me have any fun!

After crushing my one chance at true happiness defeating Vegnagun 'ones and for all', we then encounter Inconsistent Shuyin and his sidekick, Possessed Stupid Hair-Do Man, on top of the giant phallus cannon.


"You're kind of a clingy buttwipe, you know? Also, what's this I hear about you being inside other men!?"

Somehow Yuna's foolproof plan to trick a spirit that isn't the actual person she thinks it is into believing something he doesn't have the capability of understanding didn't work. I am shocked. Shocked!

But then who is sh....



Right. If we're going to do an anticlimactically short final boss, we may as well do this proper.


For Lenne's sake, I hope he's a better lay than he is a fighter, because... wow.


Uh, hi!

Where the hell did you come from?

Okay, so... Shuyin isn't actually Shuyin, except for when he is, except that he's a shadow, except when he's not, and he has absolutely no connection to Tidus, much in the same way Yuna has no connection to Lenne, except when they do, despite the two couples being very similar, but unintentionally so. Which means...

Which means...

That this whole game has been a complete waste of time.

"I'm sure our home was perfectly protected by Yu Yevon and his daughter, and everything will be happy forever!"

Lenne, be prepared for that to last about 30 seconds, is all I'm sayin'.

After this scene, we eventually cut to Yuna walking through the Farplane Flower Field of F-Stupid, where you have to constantly press the X button to hear a whistle, much like we had to back in Chapter 3 when Yuna brained herself from falling down the hole.

You know, the theme and motives of the game would make the second option the best, but then we couldn't get our TROO LUV ending, and that would make YUNA SAD :(


No, I...


Oh, who cares. We've at last arrived at the end of the game!

No more worrying about 100% Completion. I'm free. I'M FREE!!

As far as I'm concerned, this is the true happy ending!

If you're wondering how everyone got to Luca suddenly, then you've clearly skipped every single entry in this Let's Play.

While that FMV was just peachy and well, we're not done yet! If you reach 75% of so completion, and perform a few tasks (the whistling, mostly), you get a wonderful and joyous cutscene in where the bittersweet and excellent ending to Final Fantasy X is mercilessly trodden on and beaten. And, in the end, isn't that the true reward?

No. No, it is not, and I hate you for all eternity for saying that.

But, wait, the fun doesn't stop there! Almost everyone's seen both the ending to Final Fantasy X-2 before. The important question is, what is the 100% ending? Oh, I bet it's the most wonderful and endearing cutscene ever, where all the lingering questions are answered in a fashion that satisfies every single individual player in such a deep and meaningful capacity that it brings a tear to even the most bitter eyes.

Go ahead, try saying that aloud with a straight face. You can't!

Anyway, without further ado, here's the cutscene that is meant to legitimize all the crap I had to go through.

So what's the verdict on how Tidus came back to life, or even how the Fayth are still alive in kicking, despite having no reason in the world for doing so? "I DUNNO LOL"

Which, when you think about it, is really how this whole adventure began. A series of confusing and ill-explained events that happened for the sole convenience of the plot and didn't even attempt to rationalize itself in any beneficial capacity for the player's enjoyment. We have ended where we began.

And, as such, the ending to Final Fantasy X-2 truly is a fitting one.

You may now close your textbooks.

:: Final Thoughts-2 ::

This was my forth playthrough of Final Fantasy X-2, and I think my overall opinion is exactly the same that the playbase in general has as well. X-2 is a deeply polarizing game, depending on how you want to play it. At its best, it's a light-hearted and characterized story that plays well off themes and aspects created from the ending of its predecessor. At its worst, its a horribly unintuitive mess that requires near-clairvoyance levels of dedication from the player in order to fully understand the gameplay requirements for a 'completed' playthrough.

As I've written these entries over the past half-year, friends have been saying that it's like watching someone rapidly descend into the pits of madness. I freely and happily admit a lot of my more snarky comments are pure hyperbole, done for the fact that I like bitter and dry humour, but there were a few times when I honestly caught myself writing something and going, "Am I joking or not?" Getting 100% Completion in X-2 is, to put it nicely, a chore. There is absolutely no margin for error, and many of the methods needed to get that fabled 100% are not even mentioned in the game itself. This title must've been a goldmine for strategy guide writers like Prima or Piggyback. It's a downright nightmare to navigate at times, if you're honestly striving to get that final bonus cutscene.

But even so, I don't think it's fair to fully judge the game based on mechanics the vast majority are not even going to see. They certainly don't improve the game, but for most people a typical run through of X-2 is just going to be the main story, with a few detours into some side missions that might catch their fancy. It's a very non-linear experience, and I think that's something a lot of people forget when they froth at the mouth to attack this game.

Gameplay aside, X-2 comes under fire in many other directions as well. The biggest of which is the atmosphere that it projects. Final Fantasy X was a very serious and somber affair, which finished everything off with an incredibly bittersweet ending. X-2, by comparison, starts with a very fanciful J-Pop concert and that's the motif it carries almost all the way to its endgame. It certainly has its dramatic moments, such as the surprisingly interesting, if often inconsistent, backstory between Shuyin and Lenne. Personally, I actually really like X-2's attitude. It's a nice return to comedic antics, but not overly so, that the series hasn't seen since Final Fantasy V. I appreciate that sort of thing, but it's completely understandable that people wouldn't care for X-2, especially the ending, after everything that happened in X.

As for where I feel X-2 falls flat? I would have to say its non-linear nature in terms of the plot. I really like the option to explore Spira and take in the various factions and their requests at my own leisure, but the storyline and pacing suffers for it. You can only get so far into a story arc before it's slammed shut in your face and you're told you can't progress any further until you complete the current Chapter. This often means you'll forget details about the story before you've swung back around Spira to give it a further crack. I'm not sure if it's possible to combat this issue without changing the structure of the game entirely, but it's just something I noticed could be quite jarring at times.

But enough of the negativity. We've had 14 entries of that, already. What aspects of X-2 did I like most? The battle system is a very high contender; what with it acting like a prototype to Final Fantasy XIII's brawls, which are my favorite in the series. The dress-spheres, while a bit overboard with the fanservice at times, were an interesting twist on the concept of jobs and class swapping that I certainly wouldn't mind seeing future titles expand upon.

On the character front, Gippal, Nooj and Baralai were interesting enough to sustain the Faction Wars story arc throughout the game. Leblanc was alright, though the concept of her being a rival sphere hunting group to the DullGullwings I felt was sadly underutilized. But, to me, my favorite newcomer is definitely Paine. While a bit too much of the BROODING AND MYSTERIOUS WARRIOR at the start of the game, she really comes out on her own, much like Auron, when she's allowed to show her amusingly dry sense of humour. With the rest of the Gullwings acting hyperactive and silly most of the time, the cast really did need someone like Paine to act like the One Sane Man. Or woman, in this case. She's also the origin for most of the Yuna-mocking in the game, which I definitely approve of.

We should talk about that, actually.

Yuna, Yuna, Yuna...

I have to be 100% (ooh, lets not use that term again) honest with you. I don't like X-2!Yuna all the much. Even with the hyperbolic humour going on, I found myself getting rather irritated with the poor dear an awful lot. I don't think she's a terrible character by any means, I just feel that's shes lost a lot of what made her so interesting in the first place. In X, Yuna did have a bit of the problem with the lack of spine at times, but her resolve and humble determination made watching her develop alongside Tidus really engaging. In X-2, I feel as if they tried to make Yuna still very resolved and determined, but also made her much more confident in the process, which just makes her come across as obnoxiously self-centered and conceited half the time.

While X-2 is definitely Yuna's story, I just don't feel she makes the most of it. She seems to spend most of her time talking about how precious her memories are and how she'd do anything to protect them, which is a very admirable trait until it starts clashing with others. Like in Zanarkand. While I'm sure it wasn't intentional, Yuna seems to instantly believe her memories are superior to anyone else's, and does everything in her power to preserve them, even if it means screwing others over. Then she'll spin around and declare that it was her friends and the people of Spira who deserve the credit for defeating Sin, and not her.

One of these things is not like the other...

Her inner monologues throughout the game --where she starts to slowly believe that she should stop letting her past control her so she can move on with her life-- could have been an interesting hook if the Tidus ending didn't completely ruin it. It's hard to believe Yuna's resolve to move on in life when she manages to get back everything she ever lost in the end anyway. Though that's less the character's fault and more the story's.

While we're on the subject of characters, I may as well blab on about the returning cast! Although, really, Rikku's the one noteworthy cast member. She's the only other character besides Yuna that's has a major role in both games. Rikku in X-2 is different in that she's very much the same as ever, if that makes any sense. While she's lost the smidge of endearing austerity that made her stand out from other Hyperactive Teenage Party Members in the series (Relm, Yuffie, Selphie, Eiko, ect), she's also the character that transitioned from X to X-2 the most seamlessly. While Yuna feels like an entirely different character at times, and other previous cast members like Lulu have definitely changed, Rikku is still good ol' bubbly Rikku.

And that's where I'm going to end that, because if I go any further I'll have to discuss Brother; who makes me laugh one moment and then instantly weirds me out the next, with his incestuous pining for his cousin. I still don't know what's up with that, and honestly I don't want to know.

Before I wrap up this wrap up, I'd just like to say something about X-2 voice acting, if I may? I can't hear your objections, so here I go! Final Fantasy X got a lot of flak for its acting, despite the fact that most of the problem lay with the lack of (at the time) lip-syncing technology for English releases of Japanese games and the audio director oddly electronically speeding up/slowing down lines at really bizarre moments. Anyway, this was remedied with X-2, and the improvements are immediately noticeable. Dialog flows and is delivered much more naturally, the returning voice actors/actresses are able to show off much better performances, and most importantly there's no more of that awkward..... pauses.... in.... sentences. Its one of the few areas where everyone agrees that X-2 is stronger than X in.

I've been rambling here for much longer than I expected. Let's wrap this up already.

Final Fantasy X-2 is... a very, very different game to its predecessor, but that's honestly part of the reason I like it, and the series in general. Does X-2 do everything right? Oh, my goodness gracious no. In fact, it does things I wouldn't even subject my most hated enemies into playing (Gunner's Gauntlet, anyone?) The Final Fantasy series is very well known for practically reinventing itself with every new iteration, and X-2 is just another one in that long line. Some people love it, some people don't. I'm square in the middle of that orgy of passion and hatred.

In any case, it's been a really fun, if occasionally sanity warping, 180+ hour trip through the two games this year. For now, we have to leave Spira behind us. At least until I spend many a sleepless night playing Final Fantasy X HD when its released next year.

If they ever make a Final Fantasy X-3, I'll probably be right back here doing an LP of that one too.

Just one thing, Square-Enix.

Please, please don't make it have a percentage completion score!

See ya~!