Building Operation Genesis~ III

Posted on 2/05/2011 by Trambapoline

I've been meaning to post this for a while now! I haven't because, well, y'know, I'm a lazy bastard.

As mentioned last entry, my poor park went through a very rough thunderstorm and then two tornadoes. Thankfully I managed to declare an Emergency on the island, so any tourists killed wouldn't give me a money penalty (take that, suckers!), but... well, I didn't exactly have a lot of money to start with, so I'm sort of left in a bit of a pickle.

But that can wait a little bit. Let's check the damage, shall we?

Basically, a tornado in Operation Genesis does what you expect it to do. It leaves a long, but very specific trail of destruction. Any facilities caught in it's way will be inoperable until you fork over the mad cash yo to get it repaired. For me, and my low amounts of currency, this is a very bad thing.

As it stands, I can only afford to fence of certain parts of the park to allow more visitors in, which I desperately need to do in order to fork in the maggot monies. Or something.

On the plus side, the herbivores don't seem to especially mind.

In fact, with a free-range park, they're happier then ever. I might just get the money to fence off the large around around them and turn it into free-range safari attraction. Always wanted to make one anywho.

The Parasolophus have found a new home in the gigantic Tyrannosaur pen.

Normally this's be a very unwise move, but, well...

The Homalocephale, what little survived the second tornado going right through their herd, seem to have found a new place to live in one of the small plazas about a 1/4 of the island away from their original pens.

And the cleaners are diligently still cleaning. They can't escape the island (HAHAHAHA), so the only choices are to either fire them, or have them be killed by something. Right now, either are extremely likely.

The Gallimimus herd are chillaxing out near the third Welcome Centre.

Nice to see at least someone is using it right now.

Ever true to their nature, the Pachy herd hasn't budged a damn inch.

Due to the stress of the tornadoes, my Tyrannosaur broke out of her pen and is currently having a blast dominating the main plaza I was oh-so happy about building last entry. She just spends her days here, either eating or scaring off whoever is stupid enough to come close.

I have a Velocirator pack out there somewhere, but I can't find them for the life of me. Never a good sign...

My Hunter's Station is damaged and I can't spare the funds to fix it right now, otherwise I won't have enough to get the park up and running. So, the dear Rexy gets to keep her home for a while yet. I have to build some fences around her area, though, so she doesn't come charging into where the 'new' park will be.

She's fiercely territorial about it, so I don't think she's going anywhere...